The Shoutbox
Still a couple months of that shit on my street, it seems...
Yay, no more noisy workmen ..... heaven
Originally Posted by Sedai
Hi all!
Hi, Seds!
Oh how those chains and satin jackets warm my heart.
Hi all!
In a game featuring an old man playing quarterback and a young, prime physical example, who gets hurt?

Clue. Not the guy married to a supermodel.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Old Navy is not a bad deal if you go for the higher priced items. Got me some sweet jogger pants.
For the price, their t-shirts are a good deal.

The perfect blend of soft and thin. Sizing is suspect.

Golden rule of GAP and ON is try everything on.
Like fly, or Fly-ahh-ahh-aye-ah-aye-ee-ii-ii?
No buttons, no zippers, no Velcro.

Snaps. Oh yeah, we fly AF, yo!
Old Navy is not a bad deal if you go for the higher priced items. Got me some sweet jogger pants.