The Shoutbox
"Give me something I can use" is a phrase that keeps running through my head, I tell you that much. At the very least, it's a well-crafted piece of film.
I quite liked The English Patient, though I've only seen it once and that was when it was released. I can see that thinking about Seinfeld would ruin it though. It would ruin most things.
Meanwhile, I'm watching The English Patient and all I can think about is that one episode of Seinfeld.
You don't just give Ghostbusters a
without a reason, you know.
I guess a contrarian is deliberate without conviction, but if there's anything that Honeykid has, it's conviction.
Bad, but not a contrarian.
Honeykid is bad, m'kay.
Given the relatively low ratings I give some films, I do wonder if I'm approaching becoming a contrarian on par with Honeykid. Not like I'd ever go that far (I still like Kubrick too much) but still...
Originally Posted by seanc
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Sometimes I wonder if I'm putting too much effort into my "one movie a day" thread.
I'm really enjoying it Iroquois. I don't always comment, but I am reading it every day.
Thanks, that's nice of you to say. It's good to know I'm putting the effort into multiple paragraphs for a reason.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I dunno, the reviews are pretty great. And they're long enough that we're tagging all of them, so you're amassing quite a collection.

I think any movie-a-day thread is probably a fair bit of effort.

I'm pretty sure that I'll end up being the most profilic review-writer on this website by the end of the year - provided I don't miss a day or anything, of course.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Sometimes I wonder if I'm putting too much effort into my "one movie a day" thread.
I'm really enjoying it Iroquois. I don't always comment, but I am reading it every day.