The Shoutbox
It seems every damn body who gets the Laparoscopic surgery ends up with this freaking hernia. Man, I am pissed. That shit doctor I know talked me into that. I wanted the old time surgery, but nooooo. I knew it would be bad for my spine and ribs as well, and it was. It was the only time in my life people have seen me freak out in pain. I've done natural child birth three times, and the last child was almost 9 lbs. I don't show my pain. It's just a thing with me.

This entire deal has been crap.

I just had to vent.

I'm done!
Hi, Honey!
Thank you, dear!

"At MoFo you get to help make super important decisions, like which popcorn rating icon we use in the new design:"

That's funny!
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I guess people -- myself included -- haven't been keeping up with their weight loss.

I just made a post in it.
OK cool! Will it bug you if I keep up with my spine issue there?
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
I'll probably change it real soon.
No worries. I just have to find some of my damn glasses.
Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
SC, are you here?
Oh, yeah. I was asking about the weight lose thread last night. What's up there?
OK, I found him. He changed his avatar. For a half blind person, straining to see, that type of avatar can give you a headache in your right eye. It's time to go find those damn things. I have 11 pair and I forever lose them all.
Originally Posted by rauldc14
He's in a movie commentary. It's the cool thing to do these days.
Not for me. I need to find some glasses. My face is all mushed up and right at the screen, and these shouts are taking me forever to do.
Hmmm, I did not know that Equilibrium was back. I have been gone a long time. Hello dude!
Originally Posted by 需st铖y
SC, are you here?
He's in a movie commentary. It's the cool thing to do these days.
SC, are you here?