The Shoutbox
Funny, when a friend first recommended Farscape to me, I took one look at it and said "pass." as I was all set with muppets in space. He told me to give a few episodes as try, and really, once I got into the second season or so, the muppets were kind of my favorite part.
fraggle hot - tshhhh, ouch!
bug ship hot - tsshhh, me-ow!!
really hot as in touch them and burn or really hot as in wanna make babies?
yes and yes. big bug ship and the other was fraggle rock in space with really hot lizard people. come to think of it, both had really hot lizard people if I remember right.
Farscape was that Fraggle Rock thing, right?
Was always a Farscape guy, myself!
LEXX isn't that a big bug ship?
Oh man I'd forgotten all about that weird program LEXX 😊.
Originally Posted by Torgo
It worked for Return of the Obra Dinn.
I got all excited thinking you just made a LEXX reference, but that was the Brunnen-G. sigh at my slipping memories.
It worked for Return of the Obra Dinn.