The Shoutbox
Everytime I see Yoda dancing...

Christmas Party Administrator

You know. The guy that pulls you off to the side and brings out the mason jar.
Let's say that is one of the classier lines.
My first instinct was to copy the "nudie bar" poem, but...

"Where the beer gives you gas,
but the Bundys kick ass,
at the nudie bar."
"Choco cake. Choco cake. Eat so much, I get a tummy ache!" ~ Al Bundy
"Dad is great, Gives us the chocolate cake."

Wait, dad is not great, cuz dad ate all the cake.
Originally Posted by Sedai
Or was it stars?

I eat all the cake.
Do you eat your cake, and have it, too?
I'm usually full of coffee.
And cake.
Or was it stars?
Originally Posted by Iroquois
Originally Posted by Sedai
I love popping into the Shoutbox to read all of Iro's little laughs and giggles and bits of good cheer in regards to Christmas.

I am filled with the spirit of the season!
You're full of something, all right.

Skills...I am full of skills.