The Shoutbox
Well business is slow, so slow in fact that i have ALL the threads on the index page contain MY name, how is everyone? (it is a desperate attempt to bring life in here)
Im listening to his song "My First, My Last, My Everything" and its so Asociobendiful you just have to move to it.
How can you not love Barry White?
Im so sorry, now I'm going to have to watch my punctuation.
There should have been commas, You should have capitalized the first "P", and there should have been a period at the end.
picky picky picky
Since when has universe been spelt with a capital letter?
It means exactly what it says. It is a statement. What's so hard to understand about it?

It's also a pointless remark. Pure opinion, and not particularly eloquent or insightful or clever.
It means we're stupid!
Mankind can not comprehend the Universe, Nor can we comprehend our place within it

What does it mean?
Whatever do you mean?