The Shoutbox
Make it stop!
Bam... another one.
See how this works?
Strawberry crack is my favorite.
Or smoke crack.
Bunch of sissies. Y'all need to drink more whiskey.
Unrelated: How is will.15 still on the leaderboard? I see you people in here shouting all the time. When are you folks gonna get serious?
Originally Posted by Austruck
We have a bunch of moonshine flavors here. It's fun at Thanksgiving to do shots of moonshine with my kids AND my mom. Doesn't every family do this?
I love this lady. Don't you ever change...
I eat asbestos for breakfast. Tasty!
I can smell the asbestos here! Enjoy!
Currently at the Capri Theater in Montomery, AL, to see Moonage Daydream. This is a single screen theater built in 1941, I believe.