The Shoutbox
You could make it like the The Royal Rumble.

First one in... Kinison
How much fun would it be to lock Rick James, Tom Arnold, and Russell Brand in a room with a big pile...

And sell tickets with the proceeds going to charity.

In his defense, he is probably a big Tom Arnold fan.
That they're all crazy.
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
All of these movies you all are talking about are really good movies. All of them.
But anybody that thinks True Lies isn't Arnold's best movie is clearly a crazy person. Like insane.
You know what they say about thinking everyone but you is crazy...
It is also a deeply philosophical movie when you consider the following:

Does this mean he loves himself?
Did you know that Dredd is actually a romance? He loves The Law.

And I killed a deer today. Probably. With a car that had already killed one before. I think my lifetime total is 4 now.
Now I know why I turned out like I did.

Moms didn't read to me while I sat on the pot.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by John McClane
I used to like Seagal movies, but then I graduated from Pull-Ups.

Back Rows?
Poor attempt at "and then I grew up."