The Shoutbox
that's so great.
Omg, the wife just jumped up and down in front of me flailing her arms and accusing me of holding the wool too loosely. Is she a tension seeking woman or what??
Originally Posted by John McClane
A whole week of Mondays!
A whole week of Mondays!
OMFG, it's Monday again.
On the threat of public baby pics, perhaps.
If only you had some leverage on the person calling the shots around here...
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
A series of slightly smaller piñatas I reckon.
Some days I just really want to give rep in the shoutbox.
Did I mention today was a Monday? :insaneface:
A very short, one take film staring two ducks.!AhxlAqRf3_HPwSoTweO3GDuEL6Ku
totally misread that to be psychological demands. kept waiting for the good stuff I'm into. OMG I read most of that article still seeing what I saw, just waiting....