The Shoutbox
I am determined to fix my old phone though and switch back. I can do it. I know I can.
Brand new phone, this has gotta make the hackers happy. Fresh stuff to hack! The last phone lasted 2&1/2 years, and I liked it better than this one.
Coachella went from being kinda a laughing stock to a most definite laughing stock
the chicken in the sky
is wondering why
they turned him into
a delicious pot pie
he didn’t get a say
they wouldn’t let him play
they put him in a pot
man, he had a bad day
they got good chicken pot pies tho.
Feels like the watermark selection was intentional 🤔
I was going to be my own man, make my own money and build myself up in a respectable manner but instead I decided to be a superstars bitch and live on the rad pity.
Originally Posted by John McClane
i was almost recruited by one of them 3 lettered organizations once. but i couldn’t spell it good enough apparently. i dunno. seems whack
KFC isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.