The Shoutbox
If that doesn't make sense feel free to disregard it.
I've always thought I was more intelligent than other people just because I'm aware that I'm NOT intelligent whereas they are not aware.
Oh, we're getting close now!
Well... that's it. My TV License expired 13 minutes ago.

Spent the past 25 minutes disconnecting the boxes and stuff.
Just the DVD Player and surround sound box attached to the TV now.

The BBC can suck it. They're not getting any more cash from me.
Hailstones: all the more reason to buy a tank.
The blizzard was so bad today I had to cut short my journey, and that's coming from someone who's confident driving in that kind of weather usually.

The stormy conditions definitely make things worse. I've marvelled a lot at the horizontal rain here since moving to somewhere with a view where I can see it attacking the valley below.

The last week has seen horizontal snow, and today hail. Nasty.
I wouldn't know about snow. We rarely get any here. It looks pretty on tv...
See, the way snow hurts you is so annoyingly indirect: it piles up and then maybe you crash your car. Hail cuts out the middleman.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
What's the deal with hailstones?

Did the big God fella, relaxing one evening after a curry, say to himself "I know what to invent next - hurty snow!"
What's the deal with hailstones?

Did the big God fella, relaxing one evening after a curry, say to himself "I know what to invent next - hurty snow!"