The Shoutbox
I'm getting so annoyed. There's not any mods on this late either, are there...
Originally Posted by The Rodent
They're basically the same title but with the country changed.

He's circled round as is repeating now. He must only have a certain amount already made up.

I don't really see the point to this kind of spamming. Nobody reads those threads anyway so it's not like he's getting anything out of them.
They're basically the same title but with the country changed.

He's circled round as is repeating now. He must only have a certain amount already made up.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
I think he's run out of ideas because he's started repeating the titles of ones we've already gotten rid of.

Really? I didn't notice that. I stopped reading the titles after the first few posts.
Aha! It's GB doing it.

Yeah I was doing my list of Predator characters but have stopped for a bit until he gets banned.
It was so weird, I thought my computer had gotten a virus or something, so I had to ask if someone else had seen them. I think the mad spammer is still on here, sadly.
I think he's run out of ideas because he's started repeating the titles of ones we've already gotten rid of.
Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
Is anyone else seeing these nonsense threads someone keeps posting?
Yes. I've been reporting them as spam.

I'm trying to work on my 1960's Movies list, and these posts are very annoying.
Yeah, me and another MoFo (not sure who) are reporting them so they disappear.

He's a spammer, simple.
Is anyone else seeing these nonsense threads someone keeps posting?
Originally Posted by MovieGal
You Argentines are like Night Owls.. you are up all night and then go to bed as the sun rises. Then you sleep most of the day away... I know .. my best friend is Argentine and he does it. Nothing bad by it.. Just stating something that seems to be a fact.
Pretty damn accurate I guess. Although you guys have dinner really early at 8 I guess? Here it's at 9:30 always and later.

I just finish the 3rd season of Orange is the new Black, such a touching song to end the season