The Shoutbox
How do you check your own shouts?
If you click the numbers, you see shouts of someone right? that's one page, if you click any other page then you see the normal shoutbox
Sorry tat i really don't know what you mean?
Wait, are you sure you can? I thought only one page of shouts you can see, if you click next page it goes to normal, or is there another way? Also I'm looking my shouts not TUS
Don't think so. Think you can only check the people in the leaderboards shouts by clicking on the numbers. TUS isn't on the leaderboard though.
You can't look stuff in the shoutbox right?
I'm looking for "The Shout" by looking at pages and pages of the shoutbox, I'm sure it was TUS but I need to make sure
Not any more, we don't.
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