The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
And that's the only part I still didn't get, because I assume it's "I'm so glad of the simple way me." at 0:56.
I’m so glad of the simple way YOU WERE BROUGHT TO ME ....
are you taking language classes minio? i'm half greek and can understand a moderate amount, not well at speaking it. How quickly can you learn a second language? esp if you have a head start?
I still feel much more comfortable when speaking Russian, though. For one, I can say that I can speak Russian a little bit, or that I have a high temperature. I can also say something involving the words "beautiful" and "a girl" which can turn into a nice complement. I know how to swear too.

Oh, and another fun fact: the word "co" in Polish (pronounce as "tso" in English) is actually a swearword in Chinese.
I'm more into Japanese, though, now that I met resopamenic. *joke*. I already know "iku", "sugoi" and "yamete". One could say my learning sources are highly questionable, though.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
my, my, my, my Sharona!
er.... my chypmunka?
I remember buying that
(The Ruts original, not the much rarer 'chypmunka' version)
A fun fact is that people who speak Polish have it relatively easier with Chinese pronunciation, because phonic diacritic signs (or however they are called) except for a meek "z with a dot" sound are the same.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
My, my, my yn
my, my, my, my Sharona!
er.... my chypmunka?
Actually, my rudimentary knowledge of Chinese - now non-existent - started from tones, and I got them right fairly quickly. The caligraphy must be true hell, but I didn't get to it.
Yep, I know tones from Chinese. Burmese also has them. Didn't know Thai had them, though. These are easily distinguishable even by a beginner's ear granted the person you're listening to speaks very clearly and fairly slow.
My, my, my yn
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
English is such a bitch when it comes to mishearing, and stuff, isn't it? So many homophones etc.

Dude. Try Thai.
Mai Mai Mai Mai and Mai are all different words depending on the context of SOUND!