The Shoutbox
Something else to gloss over...

The things that we fight are the things that have power over us.

I saw this on the machine this morning and it sums a lot of how I "try" to live. It really is profound, how a person like me, giving up resentment of ____ , judging of _____. Day by day it becomes easier and easier to nourish those that may not do the same to you.

It doesn't make sense, but I am gradually becoming happier with my life and realizing that I have always been the problem.
I've given up so many vices, the theater and profanity will be the two that always cling to me .

The local AMC drums up afternoon business by having movies for $5.49 from 16:00 to 17:00. It is the worst time imo to see a movie, but I like saving a dime.

Although, I figure it cost me $30 to see Mandy (gas + ticket) . It was worth every penny.

I paid $5.49 to see the Predator and I feel like I severely overpaid.
I haven't been to the local cinemas for three months (since the end of June). There's just been much more films I'd rather see at home, and it's so expensive nowadays where I live. I'll go again eventually, but it's going to have to be one that looks best on the big screen, so it's worth my cash.
Yes. That was a poke at a Star is Born.
I was gonna lament this being a cinema free weekend, until....

Some random cinema next town over is showing Blaze.

You know...the best music movie coming out this fall .
I look forward to seeing you challenge Powder for his spot.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
And now I move up the leaderboard.


I thought I noticed a growth spurt. Congratulations on _________ .
I haven't seen it in forever, since before Snipes quit believing in taxes, but Blade was good.
Originally Posted by Yoda
I like Rush Hour more than I can intellectually defend.
Something, something...Chris Tucker is a comedic genius .
If nothing else, it's probably his best Hollywood movie (though Shanghai Noon gives it a run for its money). The second one isn't too bad, but the third one is awful.
I like Rush Hour more than I can intellectually defend.