The Shoutbox
Not what the report said, but I guess people who care about nuance probably weren't cheering for the guy to begin with.
My Boy Trump didn't collude!! Go Trump!
Originally Posted by Joel
attention spans will be rewarded.
Whenever I see this, I see it as "Attention! Spam will be rewarded!"
attention spans will be rewarded.

Yeah, I don’t lose things, so I’m not worried.

I was patient enough to wait till the second gen, so totally not joke worthy.
They seem kinda cool though. Assuming you're not the kind of person who loses that stuff. I'm pretty careful about that stuff so I'd probably like them.


I ordered a pair of the new AirPods. I feel dirty.
While her sister sits on her perch from across the room, silently, disapprovingly judging her.
This is followed by a spell of twitchy wide-eyed mania like she has just eaten a handful of amphetamines.