The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Sounds like Martin Mockingbird ('Marty' to his mates; 'Mister Mockingbird, Sir' to Yods) has taken it up to Def Con Three
Pretty sure it's gonna be DEFCON #2.
OMG! "Stop it, now!" wwwwowoooaaOOOH-ooh eee-oh oh oh....
I couldn't find a shot of Yoda hiding under a car, so I went with the heroic pose, instead.
I appreciate the heroic pose. That's definitely what I do. I definitely don't crouch on the ground with my arms protecting my head and neck.
Shhhhh, don't tell my boss.
I did!
Nice. Did you just make that?
Sounds like Martin Mockingbird ('Marty' to his mates; 'Mister Mockingbird, Sir' to Yods) has taken it up to Def Con Three
Yeah, wasps would be "better" in the sense that I'd just spray the living daylights out of them and not feel bad. But I can't really blame the bird for protecting its nest, even if it's overzealous about it.

Also, figures to end in a week or two at the latest, so I'll wait it out for now. And WATCH THE SKIES.