The Shoutbox
Well, it is rumored...ahem, rumoured that Allaby is Canadian.
Originally Posted by Allaby
Originally Posted by Torgo
Did it slip in by a nose?
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
That was a good joke that you composed. You must be a maestro of humour.
You mean *humors? The phlegm humor, to be specific.

Originally Posted by Torgo
Did it slip in by a nose?
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
That was a good joke that you composed. You must be a maestro of humour.
Did it slip in by a nose?
Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Just finished watching Maestro on Netflix. It debuts at number 10 on my list of best films of the year.
Originally Posted by Torgo
The Stewart one is my fav, partly because it's the Carol of my generation, if that makes sense. The scenes where he laughs for the first time in a long time and fools Cratchit? Classic P-Stew.
It sounded like he was gagging on something and trying to bring it up. Turned out to be a laugh. That was golden.
Muppet Carol is always superior. No actor quite like that Kermit fellow
The Stewart one is my fav, partly because it's the Carol of my generation, if that makes sense. The scenes where he laughs for the first time in a long time and fools Cratchit? Classic P-Stew.
Originally Posted by Torgo
Mama, this surely is Krispy Kreme!
You’re great