The Shoutbox
Is anyone?
Originally Posted by Powdered Water
I think I've said: "This is crazy!". At least 2 or 3 times a day for the last 2 months running.
So you a Carly Rae Jespen fan, are yee?
I think I've said: "This is crazy!". At least 2 or 3 times a day for the last 2 months running.
With HBO "taking down" Gone with the Wind I've found it's impossible to find the 70th Blu-Ray Edition of the film... darn.
Although maybe I'm behind and they're not so hard to find now, dunno.
You were able to find some? Wow.
Finally broke down and ordered some proper face masks. I figure they are going to be the new norm when students come back this fall.
He’s one cool cat.
He’s in the pool out back.
Yeah. a fool hittin smack.