The Shoutbox
It's better you hitting yourself rather than someone else hitting you...right?
I hit myself in the face with my nunchucks today... I guess watching Jet Li movies hasn't made me an expert
We have the benefit of having internet access at home...
Slooow day. Last couple days have been remarkably slow. Some of the slowest in months. Ah well.
Then what the hell are we doing Kent?!?
It's Sunday, and nobody works on a Sunday.
Bizarre... where is everyone today?!?
Nevermind...didn't like that one so I went back to what it was...

Honest opinion folks, too crowded? Is everything to close to everything?
Of course there is a lot of white, I might change it though cause even I don't like a totally white background...We'll see...

Trying to find a way to break it up so it doesn't look all run together..
Just a random observation of how us fat guys are setting all the trends. I noticed that my wife's new jeans were those ultra low ride on the hip thingies... well it seems to me that us fat guys have been doing that for years, we were just ahead of our time! I sure am glad that it's now considered sexy to show a little Dan Akroyd style plumber's butt