The Shoutbox
How are we all? Well?
I'm so happy.. I finally got that file that I had been trying hard to download. HORRAH!

Yeah...I have to agree Holden.
That's a pretty funny series of commercials, and the aromatherapy candles bit was the best of the bunch. Stole the panning over to find the driver asleep too bit from National Lampoon's Vacation, but a good gag is a good gag, even recycled.

"Maybe we don't need aromatherapy candles in the car..."
I'm picturing the...I think it's Budget rental commercial in which they propose they put incense in the cars..fade in on a car full of businessmen sound asleep, including the driver then it cuts back to show them going across multiple lanes of traffic.
Oh, I sleep, but mostly when I'm driving. I find a very Zen-like satisfying combination of feeling completely in control - because you're behind the wheel going 60MPH, but also completely relaxed as I snooze.

"Watch out for that tree!"
He'll probably fall asleep on the job at some important moment and then in a seinfeld-ian whisper he'll say "MoFo" in place of "Newman"