The Shoutbox
People have been known to have to dive for cover, when I play pool. I'm that good.
Originally Posted by Yoda
For me, the real challenge when playing pool is not acting surprised when I knock in a ball after it richochets off 12 sides...
I saw that pool hall move on Carlito's Way.
For me, the real challenge when playing pool is not acting surprised when I knock in a ball after it richochets off 12 sides. I don't think I'm fooling anyone, though.
I love playing pool. I'm perfectly awful at it, but I still love it.
I had a jones for Spy Hunter and the Pool Tables at my local arcade.
Yes, I also used to lurk (oh and it was clearly lurking) at the arcade back in the day, playing Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.
No, I think I've got enough tube-socks thank you very much. Maybe you should try the old indian down the street.
Wow I always find myslef to be the last one on....... Tuble Weed, Echooo
My husband bought himself a DVD of "Porridge" SAVE ME someone.
In the arcade.
Of course. I played Dragon's Lair back in the ' know, when I was fifteen and sixteen years old. Sure.