The Shoutbox
Bedridden with COVID, but I am trying to get my ballot finalized. What is the time deadline? Before you ask whether or not jeopardizing my health for MoFo is worth it...the answer is a resounding YES.
Originally Posted by Yoda
Do the ballot thing. Dooooo it:

Deadline is today.
Do the ballot thing. Dooooo it:

Deadline is today.
one more week of work…just gotta make it one more week
Originally Posted by MovieMeditation
If you haven’t sent your list of your top 2010s movie picks IT’S NOW PEOPLE! GET MOVIN’
I agree!
If you haven’t sent your list of your top 2010s movie picks IT’S NOW PEOPLE! GET MOVIN’
Well that was scary. Damn hackers
blue coconut dr pepper is my new drug, and sonic is the pusher
Originally Posted by John McClane
what about my golden ticket to the chocolate factory? was that encrypted? i know that’s what they were really after…those Cadbury ****ers!
Nice to know someone else knows the origin story to that book.
Oh yeah that ticket's long gone, sorry bud.