The Shoutbox
I forgot to change my profile settings. I think my second anniversary was yesterday.
Originally Posted by foster
It takes forever to cook a baked potato in a conventional oven. Sometimes, I'll just throw one in there, even if I don't want one. By the time it's done, who knows?
"A guy asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said no...but I want a regular banana later, so...yeah."
Where I come from, you don't joke about potatoes...
That was a mitch hedberg joke you can boil them too!
Can you cook a potato in a crock pot?
Cook it in the microwave and finish it off in the oven.

Problem solved.
It takes forever to cook a baked potato in a conventional oven. Sometimes, I'll just throw one in there, even if I don't want one. By the time it's done, who knows?
I did that a couple of hours ago. 18 minutes until it happens.
I like deciding I'm going to eat something delicious later. Makes me happier in the intervening hours.
i've decided i'm going to get barbecue food at some point today as this sounds like quite an excellent idea