The Shoutbox
Seems fairly ridiculous, but I'll definitely look into it later. Thanks.
The other forum I'm on is tackling it by keeping its members from having their first and last name, removing any information about the city they live in, birth dates, etc.
I finished a nine-hour shift and have been up for over 24 hours, so I don't really want to read-up on the whole deal and what it pertains to. From what little I've gathered, the GDPR is a UK regulation that will effect its citizens and anyone who monitors their information, (i.e. a forum or Facebook) regardless of whether they're UK based or not.
News to me, though please link anything relevant, would be interested.
Have any of you heard of some weird law coming around about not allowing forum's to have real first and last name's on their users? A forum I frequent is making a fuss about it, but I haven't heard a peep anywhere else.
Bless him, he was one of the few people that made me look completely normal in my youth
I met him/waved at him from across the road once as he lived near a friend's parents.

He'd been in the news recently about wanting a 'right to peace and quiet' law, so thought it was probably best if I didn't push things any further.
Originally Posted by Tacitus
Asides from being a revolutionary comedian, his war memoirs are some of the best books I've ever read on WWII.
Personally nothing will ever top the War Crimes trials books (1 for the Germans, 1 for the Japanese) - gutted to no longer have them - but his memoirs are certainly a brilliant read, my father was a huge admirer of his (and all the Goons) so I had early access to just about everything he wrote or did.
Asides from being a revolutionary comedian, his war memoirs are some of the best books I've ever read on WWII.

Originally Posted by Chypmunk
I feels ya Tatty.
He and Mike Spilligan were certainly two of mine growing up.