The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Sedai
Originally Posted by Iroquois
More a joke about how much Sedai and I disagree on a lot of other stuff than anything else.
We should forge a new agreement. Let's both agree that you are wrong!
I disagree.
Originally Posted by Iroquois
More a joke about how much Sedai and I disagree on a lot of other stuff than anything else.
We should forge a new agreement. Let's both agree that you are wrong!
Originally Posted by JoaoRodrigues
In Portugal we have a saying: Tal trabalhito, tal dinheirito. Translated is something like this: Such money, such work.
I need to start adhering more to break character so sudden...its an art to degrade your own self down to a work-a-day fella instead of an ambitious kinda guy. Ppl hate you when you take pride in work.
In Portugal we have a saying: Tal trabalhito, tal dinheirito. Translated is something like this: Such money, such work.
Talking about works. I'm actually working right now, in a Steel company, the second I got to that door, 30 minutes ago I had a discussion with the truck driver because he didn't want to load a important good, I didn't give a flying fuk, I told him to go fuk himself and many other things and I'll fuk him up when my superiors gets here, because that's me, I'm a totally unpleasant person, that doesn't drop a subject. Basically, work for the amount they pay you, let the people in charge do what is supposed. I don't work over time, and they pay me to do it.
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by cat_sidhe
I wish I could do that. I damage myself physically just to get **** DONE. I don't know the meaning of "do only what you're paid to do, give no other ****s".

Everyday, every task is a potential audition. Anyone that believes "I'll work hard when I get paid to", won't ever have to worry about.

Insert cliche "work like you have the job you want" .
I always worked hard and didn't get much from it aside from a raise here and there, but not a real promotion, and sometimes I was even laid off for "working too much overtime without pay" which made the company nervous, so now I couldn't care less. I'll do what I'm expected to do within the hours I have and then I'm done for the day. Maybe I should say to myself, "It's because I wasn't doing enough or didn't have real leadership qualities," but whatever. So be it. Did I believe at the time that I wanted a more managerial position? Yes. Now, I don't, unless it's in a different field of work. *shrug*
Originally Posted by doubledenim
You guys have completely destroyed the 4+ years of admiration I've built for you.

Will Ferrell not your style?

Or Will Ferrell is trash?
More a joke about how much Sedai and I disagree on a lot of other stuff than anything else.

As for what I think of Ferrell, I've found him funny here and there but that really does vary wildly from movie to movie (e.g. I think Anchorman is pretty good but find Old School nigh-intolerable).
We are currently having false spring, only to be followed by it's still winter, foo! and the low 20's on Sunday.
"If your cat could text you, it wouldn't.

If your dog could text you, it'd blow you up eury time a leaf fell or someone walked by the house."
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Right now I'm squeezing a lime into gin, talking to myself saying, "Yeah. That's it. That's the stuff right there." like Magda from Something About Mary. Still, I secretly hope people here imagine me sounding like Zach gallopingnapkins' character in The Campaign. You should look. It's worth a Google.
Bombay Sapphire, lime and a little gingy is a surefire way to a smile
Originally Posted by Joel
Originally Posted by ynwtf
He used to work a chicken restaurant and video tape his little sister dancing to Madonna on vhs.

And every word is absolutely true and not embellished or polished. I really did know that fella. He's a homosexual from the south, and he was a friend of mine, but his social stance was more important than keeping it real with me so I elected to oust him from my online awareness. Kind of petty, I know. I still think about his lust for life and smile. He had it.