The Shoutbox
I AM home! Last wedding though was my sister's back in November. Denver was a good bud in high school but no way would I fly back to him. He'd prolly punch me for the creep factor alone tho. =/

I'm confused.
Originally Posted by Yoda
In the airport about to fly back from Denver. Whew.
I'm assuming you're home at this point. Hope you enjoyed your fancy-shmancy wedding!
Suits are good for the spirits. Both lifting and drinking.
*deleted for shamefully weak star wars pun.*
Originally Posted by ynwtf
Who is this mysterious "her" you type of, hm?
Princess Leia.
Obv innit
Who is this mysterious "her" you type of, hm?
Good thinkin' Yoda.

And now, back to the friendly skies. Enjoy your beverage and complimentary Sunchips.
Yeah pictures forthcoming. I'll have her take one just in case there wedding ones don't show up online for awhile.
I went to school with a guy named John so between the three of us we went to school with John Denver
Have a good flight, Yoda. Get home safe. Hope you and the missus had a good time.

Well....ahem...... (looks at ceiling, sighs, taps foot impatiently ) I hope you will soon be able
to ( channels a line from Jerry Maguire) :

Show Us The Suit!!!!