The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Sedai
I watched part of it, but couldn't stand it so i had to bail. Tulsi the only sane person on stage.
Looks like I'm having a pot calling the kettle black moment
Then the conversation dies, nobody hangs up and baby gib is broadcast for all to enjoy.

Plus, I think somebody is tryna strangle a bovine.
I've been privy to an exchange about shaking hands with strangers who dose their hands with something so they can kidnap you.

Yes. There was a baby spewing gibberish in the background.
If anybody here carries on Facetime conversations in public, please let me know.

They say we have a mute feature here.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Trama is also Spanish for plot.
I kinda figured, but I didn't want anyone to think my account got haxd.
"Cujo, I have a feeling we're not in Okily Dokily anymore."
OK, homie!
Ah, Tulsi Oh-klee-homie. Never been there, myself.
I watched part of it, but couldn't stand it so i had to bail. Tulsi the only sane person on stage.