The Shoutbox
You are been sarcastic at a professional level?
All I know is I am super critical with everything I do. I think just about everything I make is the worst thing in existence and I’m an epic failure. Gotta give credit to my mom for instilling that part of me into my brain.

Anyways, the first time I let someone listen to a beat I made I hated it and thought it was crap, and I expected they weren’t going to like it.

Well, it didn’t happen that way, and instead I was asked if they could use it. I was like "wha?! You want to use this crap beat?!"
NeVeR a MoThEr F*cKeR sEeMeD sO aNgRy In A pOlO sHiRt!
10 minutes and i'm off work. Great!
I wish I could be famous. I could be cool by saying how uncool being famous is.
F*ck yeah!
Performing, rapping, mixing, mastering, marketing, and whatever else. I am going to do as much of it as I can by myself.

Tonie Barde will answer to no one.
I'm just going to grind away at it and post things I like and see what happens.

If I blow up and become famous (which would be horrible the more I think about it) I will be able to take solace in knowing it was all my work that did it.
Yeah, I know, right? And the way some of them spam is ridiculous. Like I'm in this to meet people and make connections and have fun. If success comes, cool. If not, at least I'll have some new people I can call friends.
You never know. It's better to think that way maybe. The amount of mother f*ckers out there trying to make it, all thinking they have some talent when they don't have a drop of it, just turn the TV on.
Too bad I ain't as talented, too.
You look like this guy, like, really look like this guy!