The Shoutbox
And when I type "it's spreading," I'm referring to morning cheer. Y'all need to nip that right in the bud.
I'd much rather be at home playing Pokemon.
omg it's spreading. put'em down! ALL OOOOOOF THEEEEEMMMMMM!!!!!!
Morning everyone.
Hi all!
Originally Posted by John-Connor
Lol, Go bots, aka the poor mans transformers.
I had a GoBot. It was a Porsche 944 clone named Herr Fiend.

Sidenote. People on eBay are really weird about GoBots. Really weird.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Day 2 (or is it 3?) of self-imposed exile from the human race ends and amazingly there have been no murders in the house as yet
You've got cats. They're plotting.
Jinx. You own me a coke now
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
Day 2 (or is it 3?) of self-imposed exile from the human race ends and amazingly there have been no murders in the house as yet
xboxlive is down...
I’m pretty sure the Xbox network is having problems. I haven’t been able to connect for the last hour. Too much demand.