The Shoutbox
What movie should I watch
No pain, no gain. Sounds like you are progressing nicely.
Every part of my body hurts right now. Hooray for another year
Originally Posted by gandalf26
The classic that is Being John Malcovich on Netflix UK atm. Must be 15 years since I watched it, laughed out load all way through. Legendary, there's a reddit AMA by John Malcovich that I found afterwards.
I watched it last night, enjoyed it just as much as the first time around! To me it remains the most idiosyncratic Kaufman script, even after Adaptation & Synecdoche, New York.
The classic that is Being John Malcovich on Netflix UK atm. Must be 15 years since I watched it, laughed out load all way through. Legendary, there's a reddit AMA by John Malcovich that I found afterwards.
Long live the shouty content creators!!!
Originally Posted by ynwtf
got muh fingers back, btw.
Does this mean we no longer get to call you "knuckles"?
got muh fingers back, btw.
...and GBGoodies has taken the lead against the pack in Miscellaneous Forums! Do I see a pattern emerging?! Rounding the corner into The Business, GB could overtake IronPony's 6-day lead under Business & Box Office Discussions! What's THIS?! Captain Steeeeeel is in the lead with a 5-hour recent post in ACK-TORS, AY-WARDS, AND di-REC-tors!!! Ladies and gentlemen, this race is UNBELIEVABLE!1!! GB seems to have dropped out of the race as I announce these plays (hopefully, I was NOT an annoyance given my post bursts earlier but I don't think that's the case!), but OH MY GOSH, the Now Playing list just FLIPPED with an anniversary post for ....yes! You guessed it! CITIZEN RULES!!!!!!!! OMHGGDFHSHHH!!!! Mark f is coming up from the rear to claim a spot in today's madness!!!! Citizen Rules gets ah-NUTHER anniversary well wisher that throws this match into the air! This could be anybody's game!!!! ANY. BODY's. GAME!
Two fingers added!
You bleed for them berries, son?