The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Should I go to the movies tomorrow? I haven't been to the cinema in almost 5 years.
Honestly, there really isn’t much out there right now, although this may differ from Polish cinemas, specifically in your area.
Are there any arthouse cinemas in your area? That might be your best bet
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Should I go to the movies tomorrow? I haven't been to the cinema in almost 5 years.
Yes. Yes,you should.
Should I go to the movies tomorrow? I haven't been to the cinema in almost 5 years.
must be hard living in a world with all those uggos!
Originally Posted by Allaby
I've seen 23 of this year's Oscar nominated films (out of a total of 53).
11, but three were today.
Maybe plastic surgery and ‘tweakments’ have gone a little too far, sure, but straight teeth and good skin seem like a no-brainer if you can afford it, why not.
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I judge people not by their looks but by their film taste. A much harsher criterium.
Ah, that's why you hate me lol.
I judge people not by their looks but by their film taste. A much harsher criterium.
better not be me. i’m like solidly average. someone’s gotta make these celebs look good
But hey, true beauty comes from the imperfections. Too bad when somebody is one big imperfection themself.
Originally Posted by John McClane
it’s all fake. where are the crooked teeth, the acne, the beauty marks, the pockmarks, and various other facial deformities from age and stress?
They're there. Just hidden under makeup and skilfull lighting.