The Shoutbox
"I hate it when people say 'he ran away like a scared rabbit' -- what if it was an angry rabbit, who was going to go fight in another fight away from the first fight?"
Sorry, missed that last shout. 'Twas busy.

"It takes a big man to cry. But it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man." more. I'm going to go for back later.
Tell more! These are making me roll!
Don't forget the last line "I feel better, and, hey, no harm done!"

"I wish I had a Kryptonite cross...because then I could keep both Dracula AND Superman away."

" when I'm really angry at someone, I make a jack-o-lantern and stick a knife in it. Then I put it on their doorstep with a note that says,'YOU'."
Deep Thoughts -- I totally have a small booklet compilation thing of that stuff!

"In weightlifting, I don't think sudden, uncontrollable urination should automatically disqualify you."
He says," When I think about the word,'mankind' it's easy to come up with the meaning. It comes from the two root words,'mank' and 'ind'. That's not word for word...but damn, you get the's funny.
Deep Quotes (hee-hee) That reminds me of a deep thought, by Jack Handy...
Fez: it's sorta like a chat room.
Yeah, but she might be able to catch Holden now that he isn't posting his 'deep' quotes