The Shoutbox
Good morning, all!
I was bored earlier this evening, so I tried making a body count of the Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin, but I had to stop as there were too many shots with multiple people onscreen at once to deal with. I managed to count to over 200 though. Didn't expect it to be that high.
That sounds like something a contact stoner would do.

Unless said stoner was on the phone ordering a Time Life cd collection.

Still a thing.
Wow. I'm curious about that. Weird.
Reality is a suggestion.

I doubt you’re eating a bowl of crushed up pizza Combos and Frosted Flakes right now.
Contact high is real
Originally Posted by John-Connor
Got any more of them Lucy's?
that (kinda) reminds me one time it was a cold winter night (for as cold a cold winter nights can get down here in 'bamy) and I was parked in front of a downtown Dollar General. A couple walked in front of my car just along the road way. It might have been pushing 9pm.

Anyhoo. The guy noticed I was in my car and had it cranked so he motioned to his preggy girlfriend (I assume), and they both stopped and turned to come to my window. Dude asked for a ride farther into town. It was cold. She was pregnant. They had no car and it was at least another mile to where they were going. Sure, man. Hop in.

After a few left turns, an abandoned stop sign well past where lights dare to roam, and a dive bar, he said we were there.

That's it. No cathartic ending. I thought I was taking them to his brother's home, where he was living while doing part-time work as an interior painter from GA, to sleep. Nope. A bar. One that doesn't even have a sign outside. Oh, he asked if he could have all the loose change in my cup holder. The entire drive I expected the girlfriend in the back to pull out a sub-machine gun from her hollowed baby belly stash of stuff, à la Sin City, and I worried that one day I would never be able to share this story, here, in a future Shoutbox post. Lucky for us all that did not happen.

Oh. I'm on a PC atm so I should add that Iro is a "regular" (got u, bro Iro!). I see the proof with a 7,121 calling card. Looks like DD is closing the gap, though, at 5,793. You go, boy. G'one! Gittit!