The Shoutbox
What does your penis look like Mar?
This is horrible, this joke. Horrible.

That was not a good joke.

The law down under is that you can't watch folks goin' "down under" until you're 18.
Hey, we are not the ones who asked said owner what his penis looked like.

And 'sides, you're just jealous 'cause you can't buy porn yet. Or maybe you can--what's the law for that Down Under?
The owner turns eighteen and the place goes to Hell, go figure.
I dunno. If you got two t's in "titties," might as well make it two g's for "juggs," so as to signify that we ain't talkin' 'bout earthenware at this point.

You dig?
I never understood why they used two g's. I guess it makes the word seem kind of, well, rounder. But still, beautiful Juggs barely justify misspelling the word.
To paraphrase a line:

"I'm no porn connoisseur, but I can play that role."

You seriously had me until that last line.