The Shoutbox
G'morning to all those who don't live in space.
We're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.
And as we live a life of ease, everyone of us has all we need …
Yes Holden, our friends are all aboard...
Then that means our friends are all aboard, and many more of them live next door. And the band begins to play.

No worries.
What if the Beatles were right and we all do indeed live in a yellow submarine?
Theres the 2000 SUX from Robocop. And then there is Spielbergs directing skill along with Schindlers List, which SUX!!!!!!
It's some model of Hyundai, I beleive.....

I wonder what feature is making a comeback???!
'Sux' - what is that?
Oooooh, you're SO controversial.
Steven Spielberg Sux And So Does Schindlers List!!!!!!!!!!!