The Shoutbox
Don't get the champange bottles out just yet. . .wait until tomorrow morning
Good night, all...I'm watching the news. We'll banter later.
Drudge report just said Bush won!
Depends on your definition of 'answering' an attack.
If we get attacked, the right man will be there to answer it. Peter, why would the terrorists NOT want Bush prez? Terrorists, not Iraqis...
If terrorists wanted to attack, they would attack Bush or no Bush.
I think it was their last ditch effort to turn the election around because Bush has them in a corner...
They're scared now, though.
Ya know, that is a pretty...remouseful statement...for if it actually comes true, you'll have regretted saying that. They warned last time, we ignored. They warn this time, we ignored. I'm not saying it will happen, but I don't see how saying it is at all any indication of a fear of Bush.
I've been trying not to think about that.
What's interesting to me is that terrorists threatened us with an attack if Bush wins, doesn't that mean they are scared of Bush? What does that threat mean to democrats/Kerry-ites?
Then its Iowa or New Mexico then, both of which look pretty pink to me (they're in the 80s, I doubt Bush will lose)