The Shoutbox
Got The Eye. Although it says it's out of Hong Kong, so I think it's a chinese film. Sin City looks SO good.
That does look interesting, Thanks OG-
Oh god the Sin City trailer is perfect.
Me too! Hitchcock is smiling in his grave!
Ah, The Eye, fantastic Korean Flick. The ending is pretty jaw dropping, at least I thought so.
The kid was fine, I took him to the library. I am such a freaking good babysitter-- the education comes free.
Ok, off to try and shop a bit more, and maybe score a copy of "The Eye" (thx OG)
...and then like that_____'s gone!
Only 5 more sleeps till Christmas!!!
She can use the medicine and the kid will be...nighty night rabbit!
Ah yes, the night-time, sniffling, sneezing, how the hell did I end up on the kitchen floor medicine.