The Shoutbox
Thank you. I know, but I hate turning people down. Her kids were brats the first time I watched them, which is why I am reluctant to continue watching them, but I just hate turning people down. I feel like it's part of my civic duty to help people and when I can't I feel horrid, but when I choose not too I feel even worse. Thanks again though nebs
Oh no Glittergirl, you are NOT a terrible person, we are all allowed to say no if we want to, whatever the reason. love you girl.
I feel like such a wretched person. I just turned down a babysitting job because it doesn't pay nearly enough, and the bear rug (with the head still intact) and several deer and moose heads sort of make me uneasy. OK, not just sort of VERY uneasy. After I turned her down, she whispered that the boy really wanted me to babysit and she doesn't know what she's going to do if he throws a fit. I have lots of stuff to do tomorrow, but I still feel like I am a terrible person.
You waged a war of nerves, but you can't crush the kingdom.
Porridge is funny you should watch it, also porridge is nice to eat.
People have been known to have to dive for cover, when I play pool. I'm that good.
Originally Posted by Yoda
For me, the real challenge when playing pool is not acting surprised when I knock in a ball after it richochets off 12 sides...
I saw that pool hall move on Carlito's Way.
For me, the real challenge when playing pool is not acting surprised when I knock in a ball after it richochets off 12 sides. I don't think I'm fooling anyone, though.
I love playing pool. I'm perfectly awful at it, but I still love it.
I had a jones for Spy Hunter and the Pool Tables at my local arcade.
Yes, I also used to lurk (oh and it was clearly lurking) at the arcade back in the day, playing Dragon's Lair and Space Ace.