The Shoutbox
Message me when you get here. Perhaps I can talk Holden into meeting you with me. How old are you now?
Have a freind there, Portland is where i'am basing my self to explore the West coast.Where in Portland, Not sure, in the city somewhere... Why? Well, Why not.
You will? Wow. Where and why?
Yep, I leave tomorrow. Going for 3 months.
Your going to Portland, Hondo?
Ohh.. , what a dissapointment.

... By the way, i''am serious, I will be in Portland in 72 hours.
I won't be here...I'll be on my way to Australia.
YO, Slay

Gimme 72 hours and i will be In Portland, Oregon.
Third time is a charm...Whasssaappppp!!!!'s empty tonight, ain't it, J?
Claiborne! Claiborne! Claiborne!
