The Shoutbox
Don't be silly. You are sure to get a cotton handkerchief before you kick the bucket.
I am at the age where I get socks.. Soon it will be ties...then i will be dead...
Welcome to adulthood, Yods. Just think how bad it'll be when you have kids ... and then grandkids! You'll be taking out equity loans to pay for Christmas gifts each year!
Unfortunately, I'm at the age where I give a great deal more than I receive, but I did get some very cool, thoughtful presents, yes. I hope your Christmas went well, too.

Now, to attempt to sleep...
Hi Yods, I hope Santa was good to you. you have to work on New Years Eve too?
'Twas okay… I worked most of the time but did get to play with my niece on Christmas Eve…
Hi Caity! I survived both birthdays and Christmas...but I could still use a very long nap.

How was your Christmas?
Hi Annie... I take it you survived Christmas...
Hello all
What's up FROG!?