The Shoutbox
If you do, let us know which rest stop.
Thanks, Mike, I really appreciate it, but I should have a check coming before next week that'll pad things out a bit better. Without it though, it's going to be pretty close. I just hope towing the trailer doesn't completely shatter my already horrible gas mileage.

Ash, I hope that doesn't happen, not looking forward to whoring myself at a rest stop for cash.
good luck Peter... if you run out of money just hope your car stutters out at a rest stop area, at least that gives you hope to get some much-needed gas money... har har!
Peter, if you really need cake, let me know, I could prob help a bit...
I could get a plane, but it's cheaper to drive. And since I'm moving back to Virginia, I'll be done with school end of next week, I have to move all my furniture etc.

That will be one awesome show, don't pass out.
900 miles! Couldn't you get a plane instead?

I'm driving up 160 miles to see Tool, Metallica and Guns n Roses tmw, which will be furthest i've driven and also possibly the best weekend ever.
Yeah, well, next week I'll drive 900 miles up the east coast, towing a trailer filled with all of my personal stuff, while not being confident at all that I will actually be able to afford all of the gas I'll need to make it the whole distance.

Anyone wanna paypal me $100?
I hate country roads.
Thank you, thank you.
Wow Peter congrats! Very, very cool...
I like snot. Really! Nice review Peter, I've always dug your writing style. I haven't seen that film either and shall now make a point of doing so.