The Shoutbox
hey there glitster

(glitster? Maybe...Allthatster?)
hey zeikster
"There's always work at the Post Office."
Subway offers competitive wages in a respectable and clean working environment. Apply today!
Find a local UPS and sweat it out. Or don't, cause it takes a while to get to the driving position.
Come work with me at Burger King, Blib.

Or not because that would be a major error.
Does it have to be respectable?
I just spent the day applying to jobs. I bet you not one of those rude swines will get back to me with a response.

Any of you guys know of any good jobs going near you? I am willing to relocate. The job has to be enough for me to be able to support myself obviously. ie - A flat, food shopping, cinema once in a while.

Any ideas?
Sheesh, having a rough day at work. Just popped in some Infected Mushroom to terrorize the other employees with.
My experience with them is that they really let the music speak for itself and don't do anything crazy on stage.

But their visuals were ****ing amazing. I have images from that night still burned into my memory. To call it a light show would be insulting. It was like a series of short films, each perfectly capturing the mood of the song.

Twas amazing.
Agree with you there Sedai, based on the one show of each i've seen. Tool had a flawless set though i was slightly disappointed it wasn't as spectacular as i expected.