The Shoutbox
Zodiac has 12 positive reviews and 1 negative review on RT

I really hope this is another Fincher masterpiece.
What was the bug?
"She makes me feel kind of funny. Like when we used to climb the rope in gym class"
Discovered an odd little bug late (late) last night. I think I shall delight in destroying it.
Conjugating verbs is fun....

Oh...wait :-/
ugh.... Fame isn't easy at 10:30 at night...
There's a difference between adapting a book for the big screen and doing the same with an already finished screenplay.
Sure. Just as there's a difference between copying a script and adapting it. Incindentally, have you seen Infernal Affairs?

Wow...I just watched the Oscars again and I didn't hear Scorsese give any credit to Infernal affairs.....what the hell...
Something's up with you broadcast. He definitely did.
Wow...I just watched the Oscars again and I didn't hear Scorsese give any credit to Infernal affairs.....what the hell...
Man, I'm dead tired.
Pyro: Our tastes seem to run pretty similar across the board! Great minds...Birds of a feather....

This is a gross oversimplification, in my opinion. While this is certainly an accurate description in some cases, I doubt it applies to any of the adaptations nominated for the award. Think of the work done by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Phillipa Boyens on the LOTR trilogy. That was an adaptation, but clearly a massive undertaking which required a great amount of talent, skill, and judgement.
There's a difference between adapting a book for the big screen and doing the same with an already finished screenplay.