The Shoutbox
But even given all that, Pulp Fiction is still a damn good movie. It's just not the startling hunk of originality it was credited as by so many.
Tarantino has a gift for dialogue and a very good eye and all, but while that's part of what the overwhelming wunderkind praise was about a good deal of it, especially from younger cinemaneophytes, was how original his stories and situations and structure were. A lot of that is what was lifted, borrowed, stolen, referenced, etc. So that is part of what drives me nuts about the whole Pulp Fiction phenomenon.
Well, yes, there's getting the references as they come up, which is fine, but when 98% of the audience who is praising it as the greatest piece of modern cinema ever created don't get the allusions...AT ALL, then it feels cheap and dirty.
Yeah, I've read a little bit about his (ahem) "homages," and some of them clearly veer into plagiarism.

It stands to reason, then, that if someone has seen a lot of the things Tarantino references before, they'll seem less creative. At the same time, I wonder if it can help to enhance the film; "getting" an obscure reference, after all, can be satisfying in and of itself, though probably on a lower level than being amazed at someone's creativity.

Anyway, I saw Pulp Fiction pretty early as a moviegoer, I'd say, so I fall into the former camp. Even knowing that it "borrows" from more obscure sources, I still find myself very impressed with its dialogue and general confidence.
Pulp Fiction is a good movie. The idolatry of both it and Tarantino that sprung up in tis wake was where all the overrating came in.

Also, it seems the more you knew about cinema and the greater number of movies you had seen before Pulp Fiction it exponentially decreases its immaculate wonderfulness. And for good reason.
Well, I've seen it one time and then bits and pieces a second time.

I've always thought I'd like it better with a second viewing (Some movies I didn't really like at first, I can tell I'd like with a 2nd viewing. I.E. Fight Club, American Beauty, Goodfellas, etc.)
That's a good point. I've always thought it was good, but didn't think it was great until I'd seen it a couple of times.
Sorry, Bobby, couldn't resist.

FWIW, Pulp Fiction does seem to get better with repeated viewings. I like it better now than the first time I saw it.
Anyone who doesn't think Pulp Fiction is Tarantino's best film ever in the last century is just a liar.

Nope, great film. Tarantino's best by far, IMO.
I think Pulp Fiction is kind of, sort of, overrated. (Bringing that up because of Yoda's shout below)