The Shoutbox
Bobby, my daughter and I will keep that in mind. Last year we did Target on Black Friday (at 6 a.m.) and that was less than stellar, except for the experience itself. Hubby got his laptop at a Best Buy Black Friday event a few years back. A great deal at the time.
Yeah, stressin' over here, too. been logging plenty of OT, myself, as I need some money! Catch up on any good flicks recently?
Oh, not so bad. A little high stress around these parts as of late. Working over time, doing some data entry for a friend, catching up on some other stuff, etc.
Hi Bobby! Glad you stopped in. How goes it?
Man, I'm so excited that Black Friday is almost here.

Best Buy = Best Black Friday store.

They hack their prices to almost nothing.
Well, I finished my first day's quota of NaNoWriMo; 1,765 words. And I get to do it all over again tonight!
Ha Ha that is quite true.
Sounds like some men I know.
Aaah the loveliness of pregnancy: The looking like a hippo, the back pain, swollen well everything, and having to piss every 5 seconds.
I'm tired too, but I blame the vodkas I had last night...
A spot opened up for me on the Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest! I'm in!