The Shoutbox
i’m currently doing a deep dive into the fiscal policies that allowed for Germany’s rearmament after the Treaty of Versailles

nerds gotta nerd 🤓
bought a new bulb for the living room. got home and then found out it was broke

Nothing like seeing a thread where I left a long comment and realising I have no recollection whatsoever of doing so or even seeing the thread…. I’d say I need a break but I’ve already quit my job so what gives? 🤦*♀️
Dayum, them dissolves.

They really knew how to fill those CinemaScope frames.

Oh yeah my thing is like a speaker. Couldn't stand to sleep with ear buds in.
i have two of these. and one has been used every night for the last 10 years. i’m biased tho
It may be the “in your ear” aspect of using earbuds. Not really an issue with external (?) white noise.
White noise always, especially now that I sleep like 50 ft from a road. Not even the gnarliest bike exhaust can disturb my slumber.
I'm a pretty light sleeper so I got in the habit of putting a fan on at night to mask incidental noise. My wife eventually got used to it, too, and at one point I saw a white noise machine on sale and went for it...and we've never gone back. We used it for over a decade and just recently replaced it with more or less the exact same model. We bring it with us when we travel.

Highly recommended.
White noise vs Silence?

The rhythm associated with a lot of white noise seems to have the opposite effect of its intended purpose with me. The repetition is a spiral🌀, a spiral , the winding of a clock or a flat circle.

When I take the ear buds out, I can feel this residual intensity that gets masked by the noise itself.