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Sir Toose 10-09-07 07:26 PM

Grill a MoFo
I was thinking of starting a series of threads (one per volunteer, one at a time) with the purpose of grilling/questioning/interrogating a MoFo who volunteers to go before the MoFo tribunal.

Each participant gets a week where he/she will have to answer all questions posed by this august assembly as truthfully as possible.

We could do it here or maybe in games, probably in games.

Any volunteers? Who wants to get raked over the coals? :devil:

The Doomed:
Iroquois (Interviewed, yet still he lives)
Caitlyn (Survivor #2)
gummo (fried eggs and all, survivor #3)
Godoggo (Survivor #4)
mark f (who is now and forever differentiated from Adam)(Survivor #5)
John McClane Current Occupant of Hotseat
Monkeypunch Current Occupant of Hotseat
Destiny (the accentuated)
Sedai (note to self, ask Sedai what a chode is)
James Sparrow
The Gnat

Iroquois 10-09-07 08:13 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'll volunteer, but I don't think I'm that well-known to really get interviewed. What you should do is get people to pick e.g. Person A picks Person B to be questioned, then Person B chooses Person C themselves, and so on.

Caitlyn 10-09-07 08:20 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 386777)
I was thinking of starting a series of threads (one per volunteer, one at a time) with the purpose of grilling/questioning/interrogating a MoFo who volunteers to go before the MoFo tribunal.

Each participant gets a week where he/she will have to answer all questions posed by this august assembly as truthfully as possible.

We could do it here or maybe in games, probably in games.

Any volunteers? Who wants to get raked over the coals? :devil:

Roasted nuts huh.... sounds interesting.... :D

gummo 10-09-07 09:35 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
fried eggs...I'm in.

Godoggo 10-09-07 10:04 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Sounds entertaining. I'll play.:D

mark f 10-09-07 10:11 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Nobody knows me from Adam, but I'm always into this, especially if anybody's interested. I used to by the shyest person around, but now I'm pretty much an exhibitionist... when I want to be.

John McClane 10-09-07 10:15 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Hehe, sure. I'm up for it. Sounds nifty. :D

mark f 10-09-07 10:21 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I've just got to bring to everybody's attention that the Devil started this thread.

John McClane 10-09-07 10:49 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 386812)
I've just got to bring to everybody's attention that the Devil started this thread.
Don't ya know? There's no Devil, it's only God when He's drunk. :D

mark f 10-09-07 10:54 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
How do you know the Devil isn't God when he's drunk?

John McClane 10-09-07 11:00 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 386820)
How do you know the Devil isn't God when he's drunk?
Silly, demons can't get drunk!

Sir Toose 10-10-07 09:35 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Okay, so far we have:

Iroquois (who SHALL be interviewed)
Caitlyn (mwhahaha!)
gummo (fried eggs and all)
mark f (who is now and forever differentiated from Adam)
John McClane

I think the order is fine. It'll give Caity time to wonder why she ever responded to this thread :rotfl:

Sign up here to suffer the inquest!

Sir Toose 10-10-07 09:53 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Round One, Ding!

Monkeypunch 10-10-07 12:32 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I guess I'll do this...*ducks*

Ðèstîñy 10-10-07 12:47 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Throw me in there. I'll answer anything.


Caitlyn 10-10-07 01:38 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 386854)
It'll give Caity time to wonder why she ever responded to this thread :rotfl:

Ah... but you see.... I was fairly certain the consequences of posting in this thread would be a dance with the devil...

:D ;)

Sir Toose 10-10-07 01:54 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Ah and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps such petty pace...


Yoda 10-10-07 02:01 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Caity's being ambiguously flirty and Toose is quoting verse-y, epic poem-y stuff that I have to read twice to understand.

All is right with the world.

LamontCranston 10-10-07 03:06 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Grill me! I bet I taste delicious with a touch of barbecue sauce and some cornbread on the side!

Ðèstîñy 10-10-07 03:21 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
"Secret's in the sauce!"

Sedai 10-10-07 05:31 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'm in...

James_Sparrow 10-10-07 11:51 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Count me in aswell.

7thson 10-11-07 12:39 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Count me In.

Sinny McGuffins 10-11-07 11:07 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
You can grill me too.

Sir Toose 10-12-07 09:54 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Is a week too long? Should we overlap?

TheUsualSuspect 10-12-07 10:19 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Obviously I'm in.

Thursday Next 10-12-07 03:52 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Yeah, why not.

Pyro Tramp 10-12-07 04:35 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Do it.

VeronicaJ 10-12-07 04:51 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'm in if thats okay with you guys and girls! :)

Sir Toose 10-12-07 04:57 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I've added all interested parties to the list.

If we do a week each it'll be a longo timo before some of you come up. I'm thinking we may have to modify that. Maybe each person will get 3 days as a sticky or something

Thursday Next 10-12-07 06:50 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 387276)
I've added all interested parties to the list.

If we do a week each it'll be a longo timo before some of you come up. I'm thinking we may have to modify that. Maybe each person will get 3 days as a sticky or something
Maybe they need their own folder or something?

Tacitus 10-13-07 10:17 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'll do it. :)

Any opportunity to wring some weak gags out of interesting questions is right up my proverbial...

Ðèstîñy 10-13-07 02:40 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 387276)
Maybe each person will get 3 days as a sticky or something
That's a good idea. We can all be questioned, indefinitely, but a week is rather long for waiting on the next person.

Caitlyn 10-14-07 06:43 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 387276)
Maybe each person will get 3 days as a sticky or something

Me thinks 3 days of being sticky is quiet enough.... :yup:

mark f 10-14-07 11:42 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Yeah, I'm already waiting around to bore you all. I would have participated in the inaugural grill, but I don't feel I have the right, but y'all can slam me every which way for all I care. Just don't get TOO SAUCY, at least at first. (Ha, like I have a choice!)

P.S. If anybody would like to toss me some "friendly" questions, go for it. It's not that I don't trust the Devil, but C'mon, already!

Holden Pike 10-14-07 11:44 PM

"You look like the Piss Boy!" "Don't get saucy with me, Bearnaise."

Sir Toose 10-15-07 09:58 AM

Re: "You look like the Piss Boy!"
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 387660)
Am I to assume you've acquiesced to an impending position in the seat? Perhaps I have eagerly read too much into your post? :)

Sir Toose 10-15-07 10:52 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 387659)
Yeah, I'm already waiting around to bore you all. I would have participated in the inaugural grill, but I don't feel I have the right, but y'all can slam me every which way for all I care. Just don't get TOO SAUCY, at least at first. (Ha, like I have a choice!)

P.S. If anybody would like to toss me some "friendly" questions, go for it. It's not that I don't trust the Devil, but C'mon, already!
You have the right. Hereby granted.

By the by this little activity, for me at least, is the furthest thing from boredom. I believe that if reality were to be depicted, it would be a rather small and overlapping part of a venn diagram where individuality would take precedence. We relate via common experience, and we play up that commonality, but in reality we are all very different and we all filter the world just a bit (or vastly) differently. I like to see where the intersects are.

thebest 10-15-07 05:37 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Intersect my Irish ass 6 ways till Sunday!

(I rejected: Grill my quarter pounder/whopper.
I'm served best medium rare with a pungent rosé.
Burn Baby Burn. nevermind)

Bill 10-21-07 01:50 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Sure, I'll try.

Equilibrium 10-22-07 04:11 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
count me in ;)

Ðèstîñy 10-26-07 12:22 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Gummo won't have her computers for 2-4 weeks. I asked her if we should take the sticky off of her set of questions, and wait until she returns normally, so that she can take her time with her turn. She does want us to do this, so whoever is next, should go, and so on, and then once she returns, we can just slide her back in there.

jrs 10-26-07 07:31 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
alrighty, count me in to

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 10-30-07 03:18 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I am the griller of grills. Behold!

The Gnat 10-30-07 03:54 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I am willing to subject myself to the torture in order to come out a better person.

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 10-30-07 03:59 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by The Gnat (Post 390069)
I am willing to subject myself to the torture in order to come out a better person.
I think we're in the wrong thread. It's over in the Games & Tabs area. DANG!

Sir Toose 10-30-07 06:33 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo

I'll get back on this soon. I've had a huge project at work and don't have the mental energy to ask insightful questions at the moment.

Please do continue to grill mofos who are unfortunate to have threads already established. In the next day or two I'll kick this off again.

Lockheed Martin 12-12-07 06:54 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
If the opportunity's still open, I know enough to warrant interrogation. I've got access codes, tactical information, state secrets, the works. I'll betray the resistance before you've even warmed up the dentist drill.

C'mon, do me!

blibblobblib 12-18-07 09:09 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Grill? I prefer spit roast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please ask me questions, the loneliness is palpable

Tacitus 12-18-07 09:44 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Good Lord!

Blibby getting spit-roasted? The image alone is almost (but not quite) enough to put me off my sherry!

These high flying parties with Premiership footballers have to stop! :D

blibblobblib 12-18-07 10:12 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Taccy, gobble back the rest of that Sherry and you'll be jumping in on the roast, i GUARARNTEE. ;)

Tacitus 12-19-07 07:48 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'm slightly scared now. :eek:

Last time I went to a party with swanky London types it featured Trevor McDonald sitting, drunk as a Lord, in the corner swearing his head off. Bacchus would have been proud! :D

Powdered Water 12-20-07 08:34 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'm probably not nearly interesting enough to grill, but hey, why not? I promise not to answer every question with a bad movie line. Maybe most but definitely not every one.

mc-yui 01-16-08 05:29 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
a'm i welcome to join?...this makes me interested being questioned by people whom i dont makes me feel excited..toasted burn sizzling questions harder than examinations..:D

Iroquois 01-16-08 06:13 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Sure you can join. Just that the grilling seems have cooled off lately (couldn't resist :p )

Sir Toose 01-16-08 09:27 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Yeah I need to get back on this. I'm good at ideas, bad at follow through.

Caitlyn 01-16-08 09:47 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 406191)
Yeah I need to get back on this. I'm good at ideas, bad at follow through.
I think the holidays put this on the back burner for a while... and don't think you're the only one who doesn't follow through... I still haven't even answered all my questions... :blush:

eMilee 01-17-08 04:12 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
hell count me... i may lie or tell the truth...

thebest 01-19-08 05:56 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Is this gonna start up again then?

Caitlyn 01-19-08 06:07 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by thebest (Post 407064)
Is this gonna start up again then?

I do believe it will in a day or two....

Equilibrium 01-20-08 03:16 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
i hope so.....ive been waiting for my turn...

Equilibrium 01-21-08 02:08 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I feel as though this thread is dead. :(

Lennon 01-21-08 02:13 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
don't die on me man

CPR Time

:mouth to mouth:

Sir Toose 01-22-08 04:58 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I keep getting sidetracked on this.

Would anyone like to take over the grill threads? PM me if you want to do it.

MovieMaker5087 01-22-08 05:26 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I just want to be grilled.

And drilled.


You heard me.

Sir Toose 01-22-08 07:50 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Young master Lennon is going to take the reins on the grill threads. I'll sticky and unsticky and participate, I'm just a horrible time manager with the thing.

I hope none of you took it as disinterest in YOU that I failed to upkeep these. If so, I apologize for that. I'll be grilling each of you with my former fervor :D

Caitlyn 01-22-08 08:39 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Sir Toose (Post 407944)
Young master Lennon is going to take the reins on the grill threads. I'll sticky and unsticky and participate, I'm just a horrible time manager with the thing.

I hope none of you took it as disinterest in YOU that I failed to upkeep these. If so, I apologize for that. I'll be grilling each of you with my former fervor :D

I'll help sticky etc.... I started to volunteer to take it over but I have a terrible time asking questions sometimes... well, that is unless something criminal is involved... ;)

Lennon 01-22-08 08:41 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Oh, and Destiny and LamontCranston (wait, has he even been on?) or Sedai, because I don't know the last time Lamont was on, will end when John finishes his last questions by me :)

Caitlyn 01-22-08 08:43 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Lennon (Post 407964)
Oh, and Destiny and LamontCranston (wait, has he even been on?) or Sedai, because I don't know the last time Lamont was on, will end when John finishes his last questions by me :)
I don't think LamontCranston has been on since Oct. so I'd just pass him... if he shows back up, then he can be added then...

Lennon 01-22-08 08:47 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Caitlyn (Post 407966)
I don't think LamontCranston has been on since Oct. so I'd just pass him... if he shows back up, then he can be added then...
K, so Caitlyn I'm going to post the Grill a MoFos now, but leave John's up for a day to finish

Revenant 02-22-08 11:00 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I would like bacon and sausages with mine.

Naisy 03-15-08 11:12 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I'd happily be grilled. I dont think im that well known around here these days anyway. So you can take your chance at getting to know me.... So go on your sexy mofo's grill me sometime and then drizzle marinade down my chest and serve me in bread like the bbq Naisy Deluxe you all desire grrrrrroar....

I.E. I volunteer if you get bored.

witts 03-15-08 11:14 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I will also volunteer to be grilled.

thebest 03-17-08 10:18 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
So the BBQ is over then?
Yes/No Maybe So?

Caitlyn 03-18-08 08:30 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by thebest (Post 421237)
So the BBQ is over then?
Yes/No Maybe So?

We really need to get this going again.... I haven't even asked the last group any questions... and haven't really answered all of mine yet...

Ðèstîñy 03-18-08 08:33 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Caitlyn (Post 421422)
We really need to get this going again.... I haven't even asked the last group any questions... and haven't really answered all of mine yet...
I can sort, and start them, if you do the sticky part!?!

I haven't finished answering mine, actually.

Caitlyn 03-18-08 08:36 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 421425)
I can sort, and start them, if you do the sticky part!?!

I haven't finished answering mine, actually.

Can do... just let me know when I need to stick one case I miss it... :)

Ðèstîñy 03-18-08 08:46 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Caitlyn (Post 421427)
Can do... just let me know when I need to stick one case I miss it... :)
OK, take Sedai's down, and sticky 7thson's.

This one belongs to James Sparrow, who hasn't been around in forever. It can either be deleted, or left floating.

UsualSuspect is next. I'll make his in a few. Then I'll email you the link.


Equilibrium 03-21-08 02:46 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
sweet...looks like we might be back on track :)

Ðèstîñy 03-21-08 04:20 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Yep, it's on.

I've updated the list. Sinny McGuffins was skipped, and should have come in before TheUsualSuspect. I'll get you on the next set. I'll be doing these every two weeks, just so you all know. They can still be replied to whenever, so I see no reason in waiting so long.

The Doomed:
Iroquois (Interviewed, yet still he lives)
Caitlyn (Survivor #2)
gummo (fried eggs and all, survivor #3)
Godoggo (Survivor #4)
mark f (who is now and forever differentiated from Adam)(Survivor #5)
John McClane (who spends way too much time in the shout-box! ;) )(Survivor #6)
Monkeypunch (Survivor #7)
Ðèstîñy (The accentuated)(Survivor #8)
LamontCranston ~ Vanished, I do believe!
Sedai (Was suppose to tell Toose what a chose was.) (Survivor #9)
James Sparrow (AWOL!)
7thson (It's all about the boobs.) (Still being interrogated)
TheUsualSuspect (No, it's not his favorite movie!)(Still being interrogated)
Sinny McGuffins
The Gnat
Lockheed Martin
Powdered Water

If I've left you off the list, just let me know.

Lennon 03-21-08 04:38 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
I sent a PM to Sir toose a long time ago wanting to be on...

Ðèstîñy 03-21-08 04:45 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Lennon (Post 422053)
I sent a PM to Sir toose a long time ago wanting to be on...
OK, you're added.

The Doomed:
Iroquois (Interviewed, yet still he lives)
Caitlyn (Survivor #2)
gummo (fried eggs and all, survivor #3)
Godoggo (Survivor #4)
mark f (who is now and forever differentiated from Adam)(Survivor #5)
John McClane (who spends way too much time in the shout-box! ;) )(Survivor #6)
Monkeypunch (Survivor #7)
Ðèstîñy (The accentuated)(Survivor #8)
LamontCranston ~ Vanished, I do believe!
Sedai (Was suppose to tell Toose what a chode was.) (Survivor #9)
James Sparrow (AWOL!)
7thson (It's all about the boobs.)
TheUsualSuspect (No, it's not his favorite movie!)
Sinny McGuffins (???)
ThursdayNext (Well done!)

The Gnat
Lockheed Martin
Powdered Water
Devils Angel

Ðèstîñy 03-30-08 09:25 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Caity, if you're on later tonight, I'm going to go ahead and switch these then. If not, I'll email the links to you, so you know.

7thson 03-31-08 02:30 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Can we add Nebs and Aniko, even if they do not want to be added?

Ðèstîñy 03-31-08 02:36 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by 7thson (Post 424509)
Can we add Nebs and Aniko, even if they do not want to be added?
That's right, they aren't on the list. Hmmm, let's bug them. :yup:

Devils Angel 04-06-08 10:53 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Hey im up for it :)

Equilibrium 04-09-08 04:32 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
come onnnnnn you gotta get through this list faster!

Ðèstîñy 04-09-08 05:01 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Devils Angel (Post 425608)
Hey im up for it :)
OK, you're added!

Originally Posted by Equilibrium (Post 426288)
come onnnnnn you gotta get through this list faster!
I'm doing them every two weeks. The next two members get set-up in four and a half days. (See how scheduled I am!?!) I aim to stay on schedule, so at least you know when your time will come. You should ask all the others some questions, while you wait. I don't think you've done much of that, have you?

Devils Angel 04-10-08 04:16 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
You should bump me to the top cause im just that great!

Pyro Tramp 04-10-08 05:10 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Eek, wondered if i'd been skipped since not been around here as much but looks like i'm coming up! Whoever starts it, fancy dropping me a PM so don't miss it ;) cheers

Ðèstîñy 04-10-08 07:17 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp (Post 426637)
Eek, wondered if i'd been skipped since not been around here as much but looks like i'm coming up! Whoever starts it, fancy dropping me a PM so don't miss it ;) cheers
Yep! Actually, I was planning on PMing the link to anyone who never replies to their's. Sinny hasn't been around yet, and I switch these up on Sunday. With Miss Caity's help, of course! :yup:

Ðèstîñy 04-13-08 01:38 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
OK Caity! Take down Sinny, and Thursday. I'm making the next two, now.

FernTree 04-14-08 03:39 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
This could be ... ummmm ... interesting ... sign me up :D

Ðèstîñy 04-14-08 03:42 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo

The Doomed:
Iroquois (Interviewed, yet still he lives)
Caitlyn (Survivor #2)
gummo (fried eggs and all, survivor #3)
Godoggo (Survivor #4)
mark f (who is now and forever differentiated from Adam)(Survivor #5)
John McClane (who spends way too much time in the shout-box! ;) )(Survivor #6)
Monkeypunch (Survivor #7)
Ðèstîñy (The accentuated)(Survivor #8)
LamontCranston ~ Vanished, I do believe!
Sedai (Was suppose to tell Toose what a chode was.) (Survivor #9)
James Sparrow (AWOL!)
7thson (It's all about the boobs.) (Survivor #10)
TheUsualSuspect (No, it's not his favorite movie!) (Survivor #11)
Sinny McGuffins (???)
ThursdayNext (Well done!) (Survivor 12)
PyroTramp That was more like the third degree! Just kidding. Kind of! (Survivor 13)
VeronicaJ (Survivor 14) Came in late, but we got her!
Tacitus (Survivor 15)
thebest (Survivor 16)
Bill ~ MIA!
Equilibrium (Survivor 17) Too much info! ;)

The Gnat
Lockheed Martin
Powdered Water
Devils Angel

Equilibrium 04-14-08 11:10 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 426293)
OK, you're added!

I'm doing them every two weeks. The next two members get set-up in four and a half days. (See how scheduled I am!?!) I aim to stay on schedule, so at least you know when your time will come. You should ask all the others some questions, while you wait. I don't think you've done much of that, have you?
just a few times...i guess ill get on it.

Ðèstîñy 04-20-08 01:19 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Originally Posted by Equilibrium (Post 427564)
just a few times...i guess ill get on it.
So far two times. Those being John McClane, and TheUsualSuspect.

Shame! Shame!


. . . and now PyroTramp.

I see a pattern here! ;)

Ðèstîñy 05-12-08 02:43 AM

Re: Grill a MoFo
OK, the list is updated. If I've left anyone off, do let me know. If you want to be added in, again, let me know. Posting it here, is fine.
Equilibrium, you're up. Get your butt on here, and answer these. ;)

The Spirit 05-26-08 08:51 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Sign me UP! im always down for a grillin'

Ðèstîñy 05-26-08 10:10 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
You're added!

The Doomed:
Iroquois (Interviewed, yet still he lives)(Survivor #1)
Caitlyn (Survivor #2)
gummo (fried eggs and all, survivor #3)
Godoggo (Survivor #4)
mark f (who is now and forever differentiated from Adam)(Survivor #5)
John McClane (who spends way too much time in the shout-box! ;) )(Survivor #6)
Monkeypunch (Survivor #7)
Ðèstîñy (The accentuated)(Survivor #8)
LamontCranston ~ Vanished, I do believe!
Sedai (Was suppose to tell Toose what a chode was.) (Survivor #9)
James Sparrow (AWOL!)
7thson (It's all about the boobs.) (Survivor #10)
TheUsualSuspect (No, it's not his favorite movie!) (Survivor #11)
Sinny McGuffins (???)
ThursdayNext (Well done!) (Survivor 12)
PyroTramp That was more like the third degree! Just kidding. Kind of! (Survivor 13)
VeronicaJ (Survivor 14) Came in late, but we got her!
Tacitus (Survivor 15)
thebest (Survivor 16)
Bill ~ MIA!
Equilibrium (Survivor 17) Too much info! ;)
jrs Owes me a dinner! (Survivor 18)
PimpDaShizzle Blind as a bat! ~ He got glasses. OK, so I PMed him. (Survivor 19)
The Gnat
Lockheed Martin

Powdered Water
Devils Angel
The Spirit

Ðèstîñy 06-01-08 11:35 PM

Re: Grill a MoFo
Sooooo, Tank man, can I add your name to this list? :)

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