The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by ะ*ะธstะพัy
Originally Posted by Camo
TONGO, realized he was a year younger than he thought he was a few pages ago.

It was great.
I hate to say this, but I've done that. You should have seen me counting with my fingers, once I realized something was wrong. F@ckin' old people, man. Give us time, we'll be trying to change the channel with our cordless home phones, and opening the garage doors with our cell phones.

Where are my glasses?!?"
I'm only 24 but sometimes I even have to think a second before remembering my age.
Should be cleared out now. He apologized, too, so all's well.
This MarkPlies21 fellow is tenacious.
Originally Posted by Camo
TONGO, realized he was a year younger than he thought he was a few pages ago.

It was great.
I hate to say this, but I've done that. You should have seen me counting with my fingers, once I realized something was wrong. F@ckin' old people, man. Give us time, we'll be trying to change the channel with our cordless home phones, and opening the garage doors with our cell phones.

Where are my glasses?!?"
Originally Posted by doubledenim
Originally Posted by ะ่st๎๑y
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about those NordicTrack commercials that makes me want one.
The FreeStride Trainer and the Elliptical are the best, in my opinion.
I'm sure it's the same reason I feel compelled to buy a Peloton.

Hmmmm . . . . . . .

I'll have to add that I did not know about that machine. It's freakin' cool lookin', but I need another machine, like I need a hole in my head. It sure is cool lookin', though . . .
Originally Posted by Camo
I've told you my full name before, Destiny. I think you are the only member i've explained my 6 nephews and nieces to. haha
I remember all that now. Sorry! How are your sisters and their children doing? I hope you all had a great bunch of holidays. It's always fun spoiling family members.

I remember we were having fun with the names, because I always sign off with Lisa. So to start, you were signing off with different names like Carlos, ummm having trouble remembering them now.

I also remember the picture chat. I want to say you have photos because of your sisters having a file for you. Pictures of you with all the babies, when they were first born. I sure hope I have that right. So sorry if I don't. You were going to have a photo kind of soon, way back when we discussed all this. Say cheese!

Originally Posted by Camo
Also i don't remember saying i was gorgeous but if i did that was FAKE NEWS!
Aw, I'm sure you're a cutie! Your personality sure is.
TONGO, realized he was a year younger than he thought he was a few pages ago.

It was great.
Originally Posted by TONGO
Originally Posted by ะ่st๎๑y
So much for my memory.
Dont feel bad. I even forgot how old I was.
Now that I remember. I'm 21.

Originally Posted by ะ่st๎๑y
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about those NordicTrack commercials that makes me want one.
The FreeStride Trainer and the Elliptical are the best, in my opinion.
I'm sure it's the same reason I feel compelled to buy a Peloton.

Also i don't remember saying i was gorgeous but if i did that was FAKE NEWS!
I've told you my full name before, Destiny. I think you are the only member i've explained my 6 nephews and nieces to. haha