The Shoutbox
Happy New Year!
Fantastic . As with the snow I was looking forward to them.
Oh, shame. Did I miss the fireworks?
HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Pittsburgh area!

For those of you still awaiting the new year, 2017 is awesome so far! We have flying cars and drones that deliver bacon to your bed!

Wait till you see it all!
Happy New Year!
Originally Posted by SpelingError

Man, I hate spelling errors. They make me look like a moron.
Ha, I see what you did there.
This is some next-level stuff right here.

Man, I hate spelling errors. They make me look like a moron.
News Year's Resolutions are stupid. If you think that you could improve on something, do it right away. Don't wait until a specific day to do so. If you're not willing to change today, what makes you think that tomorrow is going to be any different?
Originally Posted by Tacitus
If you've got a bug: STAY AT HOME!
No, No, No. Exposure is the best practice.

Unless you have a strain of zumbie outbreak virus, then you can stay at home.